Monday, January 23, 2012

Hectic time...

So theses past weeks have been soooo busy and hectic , its like the holidays all over again...

First the issues and paperwork to settle some buisness ... then getting everything ready for when Clara decides to make her appearence, we got a good deal on a crib on , 75$ brand new crib still in its box never opened... 75$!!! Can you believe it !! The lady sold it because she wanted a white one and it came in an oak wood color. I am SO proud to land such a great deal for such a great cause and perfect timing...

This week its putting the crib up and tomorow im going to get Gabby's inscription to school done.... SCHOOL! I cant believe how fast it went , seems like yesturday she was born and so itty bitty because she was a preemie ... watching her in that little incubator fighting for her life and wondering if i could ever bring her home and worrying non stop on if she would make it out ok... and now here i am 4 ½ yrs later , getting her ready to go to the big girl school... She amazes me everyday , her learning skills are awesome , she can write pretty much any word you spell out and of course having her carry out the love for music and singing like her momma is a tear jerker for sure. She is such a great big sister to her brothers also , always there to help out when needed , she can make the most horrible and sad conversation into something hilarious and make you forget all the hurt and pain. She is amazing. Now she is very excited to finally be getting a sister to do girly stuff with , this weekend she came up to me and this is the conversation we had :

Gabby: Can i take theses for my dolls ( holding up some pink itty bitty baby clothes)
Me: Yes you can for now but when your little sister gets here you'll have to give them back to her...
Gabby : Why ?
Me: Because she's gonna need them to keep her little body warm...
Gabby : No she wont , she's already fat anyways....

I bursted out laughing , this is what i mean by she will make any situation funny .

or this morning , i made pancakes from scratch and she asked me how i learned to make them and cook them ... so i proceeded to tell her that my Memere aka grandmother  taught me how when i was younger and then i told her about the different kinds we would make and the shapes etc... and so while talking to her about it , i had flash back's to when i was a kid , so i got all teary eyed and then gabby goes : Oh great ! The hormones again? 

So now we are getting ready to welcome another princess into the world... i went to my dr's appointement on the 18th and im already 4cm's dilated and she's head down ready to go . saturday night i had horrible contractions lasted throughout the night , yesturday all day and during the night of yesturday but this morning they seem to be wearing off so im happy cuz im not quite ready for her to be here.. then again who is ever ready to have a baby lol NO ONE , it happends in its time and we have no control over it ... but my plan is to get everything ready this week so that IF she does decide to come, ill have some things done and the other stuff will be done when i get home or if my hunny decides to do it while im in the hospital, it wont be too much for him to handle.

So today is laundry day , the neverending cercle over in this household... Its every 2 days but now since ive been busy elsewhere, its alot of catching up to do . Then dishes too , the floors need to be swept and moped and my bathroom needs a good scrub.

So thats all for today and we shall see what tomorow brings...
have a good week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Gabby is hilarious! I'm glad she's able to make you laugh. I really enjoyed your story about your grandmother. Making food from scratch is wonderful and something amazing to teach your kids. :) YAY about your crib! Good luck with all the cleaning and scrubbing (I should be doing that!) and with your little princess who is getting ready to make her appearance. <3


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