Friday, November 18, 2011

What a day , and it aint over yet ... But when bath time comes around i know that bed time is not far and then its Mommy & Daddy alone time :D , I love my kids but with my gang i'm allowed to look forward to our alone time.

So yesturday i got some christmas decorations like the tree and stockings and window stickers.So once nicolas was asleep , Me and max started the christmas tree and it looks great! I let him stay up a little later then usual so he could participate , i kept the other decorations for when my daughter comes back from her stay at her father's house that way she doesnt feel left out . Nicolas LOVES the tree , so much he's become a tree hugger.. no seriously he's always near it , trying to pick candy canes out , trying to pull on the beeds and anything his little hands can reach so we put the coffee table in front of the tree thinking that will stop him.... NOPE! He's able to push the coffee table around and make his way to the tree. The only thing cute about it is when i put the lights on , his little face and smile lights up with the tree but other from that , i don't think ive ever said the words : NO, DON'T TOUCH, LOOK DON'T TOUCH, GET AWAY FROM THERE and did i mention NO !? ..... Oh well , thats what i get for putting it up early .. maybe by christmas he wont care for it as much lol...

I love that a simple tree , a few decorations can bring so much happiness and joy to a home and our family. And when you go through a situation like we are facing, it really does help cheer up the place. About that, i'm making calls and talking with people to help us out and everything should be fixed within a week or two so if you pray , please keep us in your prayers , in hopes things do clear up and that we are able to give our kids a nice christmas. Thank you to our family and friends for helping us get by and lending a hand and support , its amazing to know we have such great hearted people in our lives.

Some of the ones i thought would come through or even just call me to see if i needed to talk didnt... that shocked me a bit but i guess that some people can be selfish like that and also that some people are so busy with their own lives they don't really notice that their friend needs them right now . I guess i will let karma take care of that part of the situation. I'm not someone to hold grudges and i forgive and forget very easily but after a while... it does get old. So yep , i forgive and forget them.

The truth is , its when you struggle and need your friends the most that you realise who is really a friend and who is there for you. Then you make the choice to either talk to them about it or simply put it aside because you are too much of a good friend to risk bringing it up and have a fight come out of it.... life is what YOU make of it and sometimes being nice to everyone all the time doesnt cut it and you need a backbone before everyone starts walking all over you.... i'm too nice sometimes but ALSO , somethings don't need to be talked about and alot of things don't matter ... They may not be there now but everything happends for a reason and you cant assume someone is bad just because they couldnt guess that you needed them.

I'm babling .. lol so anyways , im gonna wish you all a great friday night ! and a great weekend!
here is some pics of our tree and Max that was so proud and happy to help out ...

when do you usually put your tree up?

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