Monday, November 7, 2011

Yesturday , i got mostly everything done but rarely are the days where i actually get to accomplish EVERYTHING on my list . Today will be another day , finishing the laundry the laundry that i put aside to help my daughter practice her lettering ... she's getting really good at it too , she's 4 ½ and can already write quite a few words! I printed her out this booklet with all the letters of the alphabet for her to trace and practice with and she loves it , it also has little activitys on it ( example : Find all the C's and cercle them , Cercle the images that start with a C ) and i love it too because it gives us some one on one time that i dont have with the other kids . I know you will say , wait don't you have a 6 yr old ... yes i do but he lives with his dad hours away from me so i do not get that sort of time with him as i do with her . Why you ask ? It was a mutual decision that his father and i made in 2010 for our son's best interest and i wish to keep thoses details private and no i did not ''Ship'' him away and No custody wasnt taken away from me and No i'm not a bad mom .... all i can say is i did it for him and his well being , and if i would of kept him with me i would of just been selfish and it wouldnt of been good for my son's education or confusing him with things he couldnt understand at the time. I see him on his school holidays and sometimes his father will take him to his mother's who lives just 30 mins away and i get to pick him up and take him home for the weekend , i have no car so i just cant up and go when i please or want to ....

On another note , Christmas is just around the corner .... I havent started anything yet as i do not know what is going on with family and everyone , i hope to be able to have a christmas dinner at my place and have everyone over but i guess ill just have to wait a little longer to see what everyone is up to and if i can hold a party here for them all.  I'm looking forward to decorating with the kids though , my fiancĂ© has asked me to try and hold off til december 1st because the stores and commercials on tv are already getting on our nervs with the commercials etc  but i dont know if i can hold back til then , ill maybe try to decorate on the weekend  after the 20th we'll see.

I've just noticed that between running around getting the kids breakfast , changing the diapers , loading laundry and tending to their needs i've been trying to write this blog for over 2 hours now lol . Yep thats how busy i am but hey thats my life and like i said before , i do what i can with what i have hehe....
so im off to tend to my daily routine and i hope you all have a great Monday ! your comments and thoughts are appreaciated and it would be nice to get a few :) Toodles!



  1. Martine, I will enjoy reading your blog!

    On that note, it is not anyone's place to question why your 6yr old is not living with you and why he is living with his dad. As long as you both have agreed what is best for HIM that is what truly matters! I'm sure it is heartwrenching enough to not have him right there with you but I bet you really enjoy the time you do spend with him! Keep up the great work!

  2. Thank you Mama B , Yes it was the hardest decision i've ever had to make but i enjoy every phonecall, every email his dad sends with pictures and everytime i do get to hold him in my arms i wish the moment would last forever, i cherish thoses times and look forward to the next :) Thank you for your kind comment xoxox


Hi , please leave you comments and thoughts ,i love reading and getting them :) It helps me to know i'm not talking to myself or worst, the wall lol.... So comment please!